Lab On Site

You deserve the absolute best! Smile by Design Denture Clinic with Ms. Nazila Shojaei DD and associates aims at delivering you exceptional Denture Services and attentive care.

We take pride in spending time with our patients, keeping you informed throughout your entire visit with us and also being able to make informed decisions about the health and well being of your mouth. Our goal is to provide all patients with exceptional individual care through compassion and dedication. We are conveniently located near downtown Toronto at the intersection of Bloor and Dundas Street West and are proud to serve everyone with special care.

There are four differences that make Smile by Design a unique experience

  1. Peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.
  2. Complete denture and mouth guard services.
  3. Spending quality time with our patients.
  4. Quality Service.

Whether recommended by a Friend, Relative, Dentist, Orthodontist or Physician, our goal is to provide you with a high standard of general and specialist denture care.

In addition to providing Denture Services we are also proud to offer professional Mouth Guard Services. Why risk your teeth and comfort when using a cheap plastic disposable mouth guard? We can provide you with a comfortable, custom fitted mouth guard for persons of all ages, build to withstand the most intense sports and physical activities.

Our denture laboratory is on site which allows us to fabricate a custom denture, perform repairs and relines all in one day! This is a process that usually takes a third party lab 3 to 6 days for the same services. We also, when appropriate, consult and work with the best technicians in the City of Toronto, again where warranted.

As a full service private denture office, we provide state-of-the-art, high quality denture care to meet all of your denture needs.  We are dedicated to providing the best treatment available, while at the same time remaining affordable and convenient.

You are at the heart of everything we do at Smile by Design!

Ms. Nazila Shojaei DD

A Message From Ms. Nazila Shojaei DD.


I am Nazila Shojaei, the Managing Director and Owner of Smile By Design. I have managed and supervised our clinic for over six years and it is an honour and great privilege to continue carrying on the business and practice of Dr. Wiskiwski, who practiced from this location for over 20 years.

I qualified at George Brown College in 1999 and have worked in private practice since then with a special interest in advanced denture arts, in particular custom designed high quality denture products. I decided to enter into the denture profession because I enjoy the personal satisfaction and reward of bringing better quality to all of my clients, young and old.

We continue to offer services to our local Polish community, a practice that my predecessor Dr. Wiskiwski fostered. The staff at Smile by Design is fluent in English, Farsi and Polish and we encourage all those from different ethnic backgrounds to enjoy the benefit of specialty denture services that are well crafted and affordable.

Your treatment plan is carefully designed by us through personalized consultation, to evaluate and meet your specific needs. Our ultimate goal is to help you regain and maintain a beautiful natural looking smile which is crucial to your health, personal appearance and self-confidence.

Thank you for visiting our website, for your FREE consultation Please call me at 416-533-8811 or click here.