Denture Education

1. Denture Care Tips & Suggestions

You should never wear loose dentures. Have them checked immediately. Loose dentures can cause excessive friction and pressure toward the gum tissues and bones, resulting in painful sore spots and bone shrinkage. If you are suffering from loose dentures please call 416-533-8811 or click here to contact us.

Dentures warp if placed in hot water.

Dentures can change shape if they dry out. When not in use, cover dentures with water or a denture-cleaning solution to prevent them from drying out.

Dentures should be brushed inside and outside daily with a soft, large nylon denture tooth brush with round-ended bristles. Use liquid soapinstead of toothpaste, which are too abrasive and will scratch your denture. Rinse with cold water.

Your mouth is constantly changing. Inspect your denture regularly for worn teeth. Be sure to visit your dental professional regularly as part of your recommended check up schedule.

Some medications can affect denture fit and wear-ability, so be sure to discuss this with your doctor and dental professional.

Only your dental professional is qualified to diagnose your oral health and adjust your full or partial denture.

Most dental insurance policies provide coverage for new dentures every 5 years. Click here to learn more about our financing options.

2. Cleaning Your Dentures

Like natural teeth, dentures can accumulate plaque and food debris, particularly in areas where the denture is in contact with the remaining teeth and gum. In addition to the usual oral hygiene measures like tooth brushing, dentures should be cleaned regularly. Poor denture hygiene can result in stains on the denture and a bad odour.

If possible, dentures should be removed and cleaned after every meal. When cleaning, remember the following:

  • Use a soft hand brush or a special denture brush.
  • Avoid very hot water as it may distort the denture.
  • Use mild detergent to clean dentures. Avoid using abrasive cleaners that can roughen the polished surface of the denture. Do not use bleach as this may whiten the pink acrylic.
  • Hold the denture firmly while cleaning. Accidentally dropping the denture may result in chipped or broken dentures.  Always wash your denture over a basin of water.
  • Soak the dentures in denture cleanser once a week to remove stains and always rinse them thoroughly before using the dentures again.
  • When you are not wearing the dentures, store them in water. Dentures may lose their shape if left to dry out.

3. Dentures for missing teeth

Tooth loss is something that affects millions of people every year. There are several options to replace lost teeth. They include dental implants, fixed bridges and dentures. It is important that missing teeth are replaced immediately for the following reasons:

  • Teeth adjacent to the gap where the tooth was lost begin to shift towards the gap and cause functional bite problems.
  • Missing teeth can result in bone loss and shrinkage of the jawbone.
  • Missing teeth can cause facial muscles to sag which results in an appearance of ageing.

There are two main types of dentures that are used to replace missing teeth, full dentures which replace a full set of either upper or lower teeth and partial dentures which only replace a few missing teeth.

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth usually made from specialist resins incorporating metal for additional strength. Dentures can be either complete or partial, both of which are specially designed and custom fitted to the individual. Properly made and fitted dentures can significantly enhance the appearance and function of your mouth.

A partial denture is used in conjunction with healthy teeth whereby the structure of the denture is anchored to surrounding natural teeth using custom designed metal anchors. Partial dentures not only improve the appearance and function of your mouth, but also prevent the remaining teeth from drifting out of line.

Here at Smile by Design Denture Clinic we don’t just make dentures to look good, but place great importance on fabricating dentures that are a perfect fit. Loose dentures can irritate your gums, cause problems with eating and social embarrassment, we ensure that our dentures are always made to fit securely in place. If you require partial dentures then we also offer the latest flexible cosmetic dentures.

4. Making Dentures

The process of making a set of dentures usually requires between 3 to 5 appointments. This involves accurate impression taking, recording of the ‘bite’, trial fitting of the dentures, final insertion and long-term follow-up. Please Call 416-533-8811 or click here for your FREE consultation regarding your new dentures.

5. Useful Suggestions for Getting Use to Your New Denture

During the first few days you are advised to wear your dentures most of the time except when sleeping. Always remove the dentures before going to bed. This will allow your gum tissues to rest and promote oral health. Gentle massaging of the gums with a soft toothbrush is encouraged. Remember to soak the dentures in water to prevent them from drying out.

Eating - Eating will take a little practice. Start with soft foods and foods cut into small pieces. Chew slowly using both sides of your mouth at the same time to prevent dentures from tipping. Once you become accustomed to chewing, include other foods until you return to your normal diet.

Increased Salivation Flow - You may experience an increase in salivation flow when the dentures are first inserted. This is a natural response of the salivary glands that will return to normal after a few weeks. You can improve the situation by swallowing more often.

Speech - New dentures may alter your speech initially. Pronouncing certain words may require practice. Reading out loud and repeating troublesome words will speed up the adaptation process. This problem rarely persists beyond two weeks.

Sore Spots - Minor irritation caused by surface irregularities or pressure spots on the denture-bearing areas are quite common. Your denturist will relieve the discomfort by adjusting the denture surface. Please Call 416-533-8811 or click here if the irritation is very painful.

6. When Do You Need New Dentures?

Your jawbones and gums naturally shrink over time and this can cause the dentures to fit less securely. Ill-fitting dentures can give rise to chewing difficulties, soreness, infections and changes in facial support. It is important that you contact your denturist to have your dentures and oral tissues evaluated yearly. Your dentures may need to be adjusted, relieved or even relined from time to time to ensure an optimal fit. Do not attempt to adjust the denture yourself - seek professional help. With time and practice you will soon learn to eat, talk and smile with your dentures as you would with your natural teeth.